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Bed Bug Extermination 

Trust the Indianapolis Area's Bed Bug Experts – Our Name Says It All! Achieve a 100% Success Rate with Our Complete Elimination Guarantee for a Bed Bug-Free Home.

Unique Bed Bug Problems Require Tailored Solutions.

Whether you're uncertain about a recent bug discovery or tired of battling bed bugs on your own, consult with us. Discover how we can customize solutions to ensure your home is bed bug-free.

Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite

They're not just a saying anymore. Bed Bugs have become a common and serious issue unlike in the past when they were sometimes thought of as just a myth. Bed Bugs infest the home by reproducing extremely quickly. They bite people as their food source causing bites that are often red and itchy, and can result in scars or infection from scratching. Plus bed bugs where you sleep or try to relax can cause anxiety and sleeplessness.  

Frequently Asked Questions:

So what's the Process, how do we kill these things?

Every house and bed bug infestation is different with their own requirements. The first step is a Bed Bug Inspection to find the scope of the problem and what it's going to take to get rid of the bed bugs. Based on that we can formulate a plan to eliminate the bed bugs from your home. 

 How much does it cost?

It varies, a bigger house or heavier infestation will be more expensive due to it taking more work and product to eliminate the bed bugs. Bed Bug Exterminations can run from as little as $600 for a small apartment to $3000+ for large or more heavily infested homes. After a bed bug inspection we give a no obligation price quote for your individual situation. All our prices are for complete extermination, not just for one spray or a couple follow-ups.

What do you use?

Bed Bugs can build up resistance to certain products so we use a variety of pesticides, insect growth regulators, and pesticide dusts to exterminate bed bugs, as well as a HEPA vac to remove live bed bugs. Some bed bug infestations also require heat but not all.

Can you guarantee you're going to get rid of the Bed Bugs?

Yes. All bed bug exterminations have a complete extermination guarantee and we have a 100% success rate. Once the house is declared clear, there is a 45 day guarantee from that point. 

How did I get them?

It's usually hard to say for sure. They're hitchhikers and just get picked up, could be from a hotel, work, movie theater, friend or families house, anywhere really. Once they're in the home they find a crack or crevice near a consistent food source and begin to reproduce.

Can I take care of this myself?

Bed Bugs are best left to the professionals. They hide well, reproduce extremely quickly, and bed bug products carried at the big box stores are ineffective.

Do I need to throw away my furniture?

Generally no. Bed Bugs can usually be eliminated from furniture and you typically don't need to throw it out. Also for mattresses and box springs, bed bug encasements are available that give you a fresh clean surface while also protecting your mattress in any future bed bug encounter.


Any Other Questions? Feel free to Contact Us or Give us a Call, We'd be happy to answer them.


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